Oils over alpha
The Hop Quality Group is a collection of craft brewers that came together organically to continue to foster a discussion on hop quality. The focus was then to bring that discussion to the hop community, including dealers, growers, and processors, to highlight the needs of today’s craft brewers
The HQG held its first meeting in 2010 at the MBAA conference in Providence. In 2011, the HQG was incorporated as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation. The HQG has become an important part of the yearly HGA Hop Convention. Throughout the year, our members also make up audit teams that meet up with our grower partners at their farms and processing partners at their pelleting and processing facilities.
The HQG currently has over 50 brewery members in the US. If you have an interest in learning more about or joining the HQG, please use the contact area of the website with your inquiry.
Cascade cup
The ultimate challenge for the best Cascade in the country. See past winners and get updates for upcoming competitions.
Knowledge is power
Members have access to exclusive data and reports, and join a dedicated community of brewers, growers, and brokers.
Hop Quality Group is committed to ensuring your safety. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of sexual harassment (or something inappropriate), please report it so that we can get it resolved quickly and keep you and others safe. Thank you so much.